Belly Dance Sword Safety

on Mon, 23 Jan, 2017

As convenient as an excuse as it might sound to say, “It was an accident, officer, I swear. I was performing and I tripped and my hands were sweaty. My sword slipped right out of my hands and cleaved my ex’s head right off,” that probably isn’t going to work. Here are some tips on sword safety to prevent yourself from stabbing yourself in the leg while practicing (Been there, done that.), accidentally impaling furniture (Really, it was only the couch. And the television.), and people in restaurants and performances (Fortunately for that one guy at Mississippi Pizza in Portland, it was my dull sword.).

1. Dull is better.

Don’t use a battle ready sword when dancing. You can still get pretty, shiny, sharp enough swords online.

2. Put a Cork in it.

Literally. Take a cord and stab your sword into it while practicing at home. Cords are light, but it is still going to change the balance so take note of that while practicing.

3. Sheath thy sword, young knight.

If your sword came with a sheath, use it. It will help protect the sword from nicks, the oils from your fingers and create a barrier between you and the pointy end. Don't have a sheath? Make one. you can use an umbrella bag, wrap it up in scarves or make one of your own if you sew.

4. Heavy Duty

Pick a sword that is balanced and is an appropriate weight for you. A two-pound sword might not feel heavy until you have been dancing with it above your head for five minutes. If you buy a sword is heavy and it is too heavy, consider working out with your sword or doing the same positions you use with your sword with weights. We lose our graceful form when tired and get sloppy under muscle fatigue, making accidents more likely to happen. For additional tips on picking out a sword, visit the post on 5 Important Details You Need to Know for Selecting a Belly Dance Sword.

5. Reduce variables

I am never amazed when I hear about people practicing with their sword and then hurting themselves when they trip over the cat or have to divert their sword arch because a dog gets out of the way and then the dancer trips and falls over. One would think the logical thing to do would be to dance in a room without moving creatures. Of course, I’ve also been known to stab inanimate objects, so even those aren’t safe from me.

If you are interested in learning tribal sword work, go to my contact form and send me an email for a private lesson.

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